Best Survey
Name:: Denise
Birthday:: September 14, long before you!
Birthplace:: Everett, MA
Where you live now:: Georgia
Hair color:: salt and pepper, but it used to be very dark reddish brown
Eye color:: Brown.
Height:: 5'2.
Your biggest pet peeve:: People with a victim mentality
Your biggest flaw:: How much time you have?
Pepsi or coke:: Pepsi.
Water or Gatorade:: Water.
Do you smoke:: No. Not since 1976
Do you drink:: Very occasionally
Do you club:: No
Do you swear:: Too much.
Do you do drugs:: Only the kind the doctor gives me
Do you want to go to the military:: Never. No matter what.
Do you want to go to college:: I did and I did.
Do you want to get married:: BTDT
Do you want to have kids:: I did and I did have just one
Do you know how to dress:: Sometimes I need help with my zipper in the back
Do you think that you are attractive:: No, not any more
Are you moody:: Moi? Is the Pope Catholic?
Do you like rainy days:: Yes, I love them.
Can you cook a decent meal:: I'm a great cook
Ever been......
Beat up:: yes. Those Izzicupos were AWFUL. If you got in a fight with one of them, they all took a turn, even RICHARD! So of course, yes, I've been beat up. I mean, 1 against 4. What do you think?
Fired:: Nope.
Dumped:: Oh yeah. By Joe Wathen.
Hired:: Yup.
Lied to:: Bill Thompson
Cheated on:: Bill Thompson
Shot:: No, but I do know how to shoot!
High:: Oh geez.. on what?
Deathly sick:: Yes.
Depressed:: Am I breathing?
Homesick:: See Depressed
Locked up:: NO! But I do spend most of my time with felons nowadays
On a real date:: Yes
In the past month have you....
Been shopping:: Food shopping? Ya!
Been on a date:: Does Cindy count?
Been to the movies:: Yes.
Been to a party:: No
Written a song:: No
Been cheated on:: Only by Cindy now that she's back at school.
Are you a virgin:: Oh geez.
Gay/Straight/Bi:: Straight, except for Julie Andrews
Single or taken:: Single.
Your favorite...
Food:: Thai, Indian, Vietnamese
Drink:: Ice water
Car:: One with McDreamy AND McSteamy nekkid in the back seat
Place:: San Francisco
Color:: Unknown - no favorite
Show:: Hell's Kitchen
Store:: Point me towards a big bookstore, preferably used, like Powell's or Bell's
Movie:: Toss up between My Big Fat Greek Wedding and Moonstruck
Artist:: John Singer Sargent
Feature on a guy/girl:: honor, integrity, strength --- guys, give me something that I can actually respect!
Number of piercings:: four
Number of tatoos:: I'll let you see me naked and you count, ok? Didn't think so.
glasses/contacts/neither:: Glasses.
Love or money:: Love
Quiet or loud:: Quiet most of the time
Country or city:: Country, but near a very artsy fartsy cosmopolitan city
Ever been on the toilet and on the phone:: Can you say, "Ethel?"
Ever accidently peed in your sleep:: Hm.... I don't think so.
Ever get up in the middle of the night for a snack:: Ya
Ever wake up on the wrong side of the bed:: Figuratively or literally?
Do you wish you were a different gender:: Only in my work life
Do you believe in God:: Yes
Ever split a nail:: Yes
Did you like this survey:: Yes. I love these things.
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